
献上你最美好的礼物 Bring your best offering 新酒、橄榄油和五谷 New wine, oil, and grain 摇祭禾捆的圣日 The day of the wave sheaf 初熟节,感恩的日子 Yom HaBikkurim 让我们铭记这一天 A day to remember 神的儿子曾降临尘世 How the Son of Man came 祂升上高天 荣耀无比 And ascended to heaven 成为初熟的献祭 As the First Fruits offering 曾经埋葬 深陷死亡 Once dead and buried 三天黑暗 三夜等待 Three nights and days 但祂复活 荣耀彰显 Then you were risen 墓门大开 见证奇迹 The stone rolled away… 祂是丰收的初熟果子 The First Fruit of the harvest 是死者复生的盼望 First Fruit of the dead 成就应许 预言实现 Fulfilling prophecy 正如神的话语所宣告 Just as the Word says… 祂必须等候 才能升天 He could not ascend 直到大祭司 摇祭初熟果 Until the high priest 献上初熟 为主所悦纳 Offered the First Fruits 摇动禾捆 献给主前 Wave of the sheaf 所以祂说:“不要摸我” So he said, “Do not touch me” 在那清晨 静谧花园 There in the garden 因祂尚未 升至天父 ‘Cause He had not yet ascended 祂是无罪 纯洁羔羊 As the Lamb without sin 如今人子 高坐宝座 Now the Son of Man 在天父的右边 Sits at the right hand 在伟大的“我是”旁边 of His Father…the Great I AM 献上你最好的礼物 So bring your best offering 新酒、橄榄油和五谷 New wine, oil, and grain 摇祭禾捆的圣日 The day of the wave sheaf 初熟节,感恩的日子 Yom HaBikkurim 让我们铭记这一天 A day to remember 神的儿子曾降临尘世 How the Son of Man came 祂升上高天 荣耀无比 And ascended to heaven 成为初熟的献祭 As the First Fruits offering 曾经埋葬 深陷死亡 Once dead and buried 三天黑暗 三夜等待 Three nights and days 但祂复活 荣耀彰显 Then you were risen 墓门大开 见证奇迹 The stone rolled away… 祂是丰收的初熟果子 The First Fruit of the harvest 是死者复生的盼望 First Fruit of the dead 成就应许 预言实现 Fulfilling Prophecy 正如神的话语所宣告 Just as the Word says…